Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Intellectual Political Truce for Global Unification in Human Rights Equality!

White-bordered US flag. Banner reads 
"Peace to All Nations".

When the U.S. was first elected to the United Nations Human Rights Council, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that" Human rights are an essential element of American global foreign policy… We believe every nation (groups of like minded individuals) must live by and help shape global rules that ensure people enjoy the (international) right (privilege) to live freely and participate fully in their societies." 

In light of American global foreign policy, we have an overall vote of No Confidence in the bankrupt government of Jamaica corporation, as they are not discharging their duties in good human rights faith, and have arbitrarily super-imposed their dictatorial political policies upon well informed and diplomatically aware, divine beings in commerce (trade) of today. 

Universal human rights remedy is an international privilege (right) for us (humanity) all to diplomatically use, but only our divine Son of Human Rights Faith, will stand up with international human rights morality and so politically CHOOSE!

Under article 74 of the Charter of the United Nations, we are humbly requesting American Ambassador Pamela Bridgewater for her meaningful diplomatic assistance of international human rights counsel, so that she may play a pivotal role as a disinterested 3rd party, to our universal human rights peace treaty 2013, in which we, Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Christians in Jamaica, wish to covenant (mutual international agreement) with the indigenous people of Jamaica; as the bankrupt government of Jamaica corporation, does not have a competent national tribunal to hear our international claims.

We are commercially stateless and politically displaced Ethiopian Orthodox Human Rights Defenders in Jamaica, seeking an URGENT international amnesty (interim measures – diplomatic pardon) to the UN treaty organization in Geneva, for only in special personal appearance can any human being secure an defend certain indigenous international INDIVIDUAL human rights claims at the international political level, in global commerce of today.

We are standing up with international human rights morality, against religious an political persecutions in this non-self governing territory in Jamaica, which have NOT reached a full state of self determination, so that we may promote an protect our own political an cultural autonomy in the Western Hemisphere and Southern Africa jurisdiction of our autonomous congregation (Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Christian Faith in Kristos) in global commerce (trade).

From the moment we freely chose to diplomatically secure and politically defend the universal human rights of our autonomous congregation in Jamaica, we have become a political anomaly that MUST diplomatically revive indigenous international individual human rights choice to political self realization under article 22 of the UN charter (divine covenant) of fundamental equality for all.

In turn, we are now mental political prisoners of conscience (knowing human rights from commercial wrongs an choosing human rights), in a 3rd world bankrupt economy in Jamaica.

International remedy is a universal human right (privilege), which we respectfully DEMAND for international justice (political just action) an righteousness in universal love (obedience to UN law of equality)

Let us (humanity) bring this Piscean Age to an END, with a fresh beginning and a debt free UN Planetary Kingdom of Equality in Righteousness as a mend; for a technologically advanced global resource based cashless society is what all humankind will come to depend.

Repent (turn away) from IMF globalization policies (political genocide) and renounce political allegiance under all bankrupt constitutions of legal fictions (government service corporations) in commerce (trade), for our debt free UN Planetary Kingdom of Equality in Righteousness is clearly at hand today in 2015!

Only in political unity will the sovereign voice of the people AFFECT real diplomatic C.H.A.N.G.E - Choosing Humanity A New Global Economy, with Kristos - Christ (the Anointed One of Ethiopia),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,selah!

Intellectual Political White Flag for Peaceful Negotiations

Liberation Day Inna Jamdom - Human Rights Protest in Kingston:

Seeking World Human Rights in Jamaica - Short Cut:

Selassie's Son - Soon Come: 

If our indigenous international individual human rights were not inherent, then we would have commercially (contractually) submitted to IMF globalization policies (political genocide) a long time ago, and conformed like everyone else. 

However, as we have made a noble political sacrifice for due measure of international human rights credibility, by repenting from IMF globalization policies and renouncing political allegiance (3rd world bankrupt citizenship status) as an IMF tax-paying debtor in global trade (commerce), we diplomatically stand with international human rights morality, on the wonder working redemptive political powers (human rights knowledge) of the precious blood (human rights works) of the Lamb (Iyesus Kristos Medhane Alem - Jesus Christ, savior of our bankrupt modern world of today)

Rest assured, that diplomatic freedoms in global commerce, is not the absence of IMF global tyranny, but the international political assurance of divine justice (political just action) for all human beings in our wonderful world of global commerce in 2015,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,selah!

This IS the diplomatic spark that will politically ignite the global mass to intellectually stand up for human l.i.f.e (living in full equality) today,,,,selah!   

Revelation of His Imperial Majesty's Promised Return (essence)!: 
Christ (the Anointed One of Ethiopia) manifested in flesh (political status) today!... 

The Incarnation of our Anointed One of Ethiopia (Kristos - Christ) today in 2012,  is a central indigenous Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo (oneness) Christian doctrine that Elect of God the Son (Wolde Atsie) becomes flesh (political status), to assume a human nature, and becomes a man in the form of Jesus (Iyesus) Christ (Kristos - the Anointed One of Ethiopia), the Noble Ethiopian Son of Elect of God the Father (Wolde Atsie) and the second person of the Triune Elect. 

This foundational Tewahedo (oneness) Christian position holds that the divine tewahedo (oneness) nature of the Son of Elect of God the Father (Wolde Atsie) is perfectly united with human nature in one divine Person, Iyesus Jesus, making His Imperial Majesty both truly Elect of God the Son (Wolde Atsie) and truly man. 

The theological term for this is hypostatic diplomatic union: the Second Person of the Holy Triune Elect, God the Son (Wolde Atsie), becomes flesh (political status) when he is immaculately conceived in the womb of the Virgin (politically non-aligned) Mariam (Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Faith in Kristos) at the END of this 2000 year Piscean Age today in 2012.

Biblical passages traditionally referenced in connection with the doctrine of the Incarnation include Kidus Yohannes (St. John) 1:14, Colossians 2:9, and Philippians 2:7-8.

Kidus Yohannes (St. John) 1:1

New International Version (NIV)

The Word (Iyesus) Becomes Flesh (political status)

In the beginning was the Word (Iyesus), and the Word (Iyesus) was with Elect of God the Father in Ethiopia, and the Word (Iyesus) was Elect of God the Son.

John 1:14

New International Version (NIV)

14 The Word (Iyesus) becomes flesh (political status) and has made his dwelling among us (humanity) today. We have seen his glory (magnificence in law), the glory (magnificence in human rights law) of the one and only politically begotten Son, who diplomatically comes from our Father Majesty (Abba Jahnoy), full of grace (political freedoms) and t.r.u.t.h. (The Real Untold Testimony of Haile/Elijah).

Colossians 2:9

New International Version (NIV)

For in the Anointed One of Ethiopia (Kristos - Christ) all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form,10 and in Kristos (Christ) humanity have been brought to a fullness. He is the head over every sovereign (politically free) power (human rights knowledge) and defacto authority on earth (193 member nation states). 

11 In His Imperial Majesty humanity have also been cleansed with a political cleansing not performed by human hands. Your whole commercial self ruled by the flesh (political status as IMF debtor)  was diplomatically put off when you were politically cleansed by Kristos - Christ today, 12 having been politically buried with His Imperial Majesty in baptism (sanctification - legal an lawful purification), in which humanity will also be diplomatically raised with His Imperial Majesty through your human rights faith in the working of Elect of God the Father's divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all, which diplomatically raised His Imperial Majesty from the politically dead in global commerce (trade) today.

13 When you were politically dead in your commercial sins (transgressions against Emperors UN law of equality) and in the unclean commercial state of your flesh (political status as IMF debtor), Elect of God the Father made you diplomatically alive with Kristos - Christ today. 

He forgave us (humanity) all our commercial sins (transgressions against Emperors UN law of equality), 14 having canceled the fraudulent IMF charge of our illegal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us under global IMF tyranny in commerce; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross (torture stake of humiliation, political persecution by human peers). 

15 And having intellectually disarmed the evil powers and defacto authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, intellectually triumphing over them by the cross (torture stake of humiliation, political persecution by human peers).

Freedom From Human Rules

16 Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you spiritually (intellectually) eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. 17 These are a shadow of the diplomatic things that were to come; the political reality, however, will be found in the manifestation of Kristos - Christ today. 

18 Do not let anyone who delights in false humility and the worship of angels disqualify you from our debt free UN Planetary Kingdom of Equality in Righteousness  Such a person also goes into great detail about what they have physically seen; they are puffed up with idle presumptuous notions by their unspiritual mind. 19 They have lost spiritual (intellectual) connection with the head in Ethiopia, from whom the whole body (human congregation), diplomatically supported and politically held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows as Elect of God the Father causes it to spiritually (intellectually) grow.

Philippians 2:5-8

New International Version (NIV)

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Kristos Iyesus today:

Who, being in very tewahedo (oneness) nature Elect of God the Son, do not consider equality with Elect of God the Father something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing under IMF globalization policies (political genocide)  by taking the very nature of a servant (ambassador for human rights), being made in human likeness.

And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death in commerce (IMF debotor status) — even death on a cross (politically persecuted global IMF debt on torture stake of humiliation)!

IMF Debt Annihilation 2012!: Peaceful Diplomatic Alternatives Really Exist!

Sacred (Holy - Debt Free)
Ethiopian Orthodox title
Lu'el Ras Mesfin Haile Selassie I (c) All Rights Reserved.

translation of Amharic titles into English:

Royal Head Duke of Power (Knowledge) of the Might (diplomatic strength) of the Holy (sacred - debt free) Triune Elect of God the Father of Ethiopia!
Son of Humanity

Blog: The People's Human Rights Referendum 2012!
Post: Political Exodus to the UN treaty organization for universal Remedy!

Universal human rights Equality IS bliss, so we must stand on our international morality and ceaselessly persist,,,,,,love (obey UN law) and international peace, always an forevermore, in tewahedo (oneness)!

Early coinage was minted by the Axumite kingdom.  
Modern coinage has been minted by the Addis Ababa mint and the Paris France mint.

20 Dollars - 1966;    KM-039 - 8,00 g - 25 mm
Edge - Reeded, Mintage - 0,025M

This coin was issued to commemorate the Emperor's 75th birthday and 50th year of his reign. The obverse has a facing bust of Emperor Haile Selassie I (b1892-d1975) with an Amharic legend at the top and the equivalent English legend at the bottom reading HAILE SELASSIE 75th BIRTH DAY AND 50 YEARS OF LEADERSHIP

Selassie was crowned Emperor in 1930 and led Ethiopia through the Italian invasion in 1935 through 1974 when communist rebels seized power.  The reverse has the royal arms with an Amharic legend and the English legend EMPIRE OF ETHIOPIA at the bottom.  The denomination 20 E$ flank the arms with the date EE1958 and 1966 AD below the arms in Amharic and Arabic characters.

Virgin Mariam with Iyesus Kristos

Mother of Humanity 

  (Hymn of Praise of the Virgin Mariam)

5. Our tongue this day praise the universal human rights work of the Virgin (politically non-aligned).  We praise Mariam, the Elect of God-Bearer, because our sovereign Lord and Universal Redeemer Iyesus Kristos was spiritually reborn of her in the city of David (he who is well pleasing) today in 2012.  Come, O all you bankrupt nation states, and let us ascribe blessing unto Mariam, for she is at once mother (church) and Virgin (politically non-aligned) .  

Rejoice, O pure Virgin (politically non-aligned), in whom there is no blemish, to whom came the Word (Iyesus) of the Father (Abba), Who was incarnate of her. Rejoice, O vessel unblemished, perfect and spotless Woman (church). O HOLY VIRGIN MARIAM PRAY FOR US.
                                    ( 8 )
Rejoice thou, O Garden endowed with human rights reason, thou abode of Kristos, Who became the Second-Adam because the first Adam was the man.  Rejoice thou, O Woman who bore the Only-politically-Begotten, Who, having gone forth from the bosom of His Father (Abba), suffered no political change. Rejoice, O thou pure Bride-chamber, who are adorned with all the beauty of praise, He came and was incarnate of you. 

Rejoice,  O Thorn-bush, who was not consumed by the fire (IMF tribulation) of the God-head.  Rejoice, thou O mother and Maid, Virgin, thou second heaven, who did carry in your body, His Imperial Majesty who is spiritually (intellectually) reborn aloft by the Cherubim and Seraphim. O HOLY VIRGIN MARIAM PRAY FOR US.

And because of this we rejoice and we sing with the Holy Angels with joy and gladness, and we say “Glory to Elect of God the Father in the heavens (Ethiopia), and international peace on earth (193 member nation states), His good human rights will to all humanity.  

(Luke 2:14)”  For He unto Whom belong glory (magnificence in human rights law) and praise forever and ever is well pleased with thee.  Amen. O HOLY VIRGIN MARIAM PRAY FOR US.

6. The glory (magnificence in human rights law) of Mariam is greater than that of all the saints, for she was worthy to receive the Word (Iyesus) of the Father (Abba).  His Imperial Majesty Who make the angels to be afraid, His Imperial Majesty Whom the watching Angels in heaven (Ethiopia) praise, did Mariam the Virgin carry in her womb.  

She is greater than the Cherubim, and superior to the Seraphim, for she is the Ark (or Tabernacle) of the Holy (sacred – debt free) Triune Elect.  She is Jerusalem, the city of the Prophets (Emperors of Ethiopia), and she is the habitation of the joy of all the saints. 

On the tewahedo Christian people who sat in IMF darkness (debt) and shadow of death in commerce (IMF debtor status) has a great human rights light diplomatically risen.  Elect of God the Father who rest in His Holiness became incarnate of a Virgin for our human rights salvation. 

Come ye and look upon this marvelous thing, and sing ye His song because of the Mystire Seggawe - mystery that has been revealed unto us (humanity), for He who was, have become a man, the Word (Iyesus) has mingled (with our nature), He who had no beginning (assumes) a beginning for Himself, and He who had no days (reckoned) to Himself days, and He who was politically invisible, diplomatically showed Himself; the Son (Wolde)of the Living Elect of God the Father (Abba Atsie) became a man in human rights deed, today in 2012, His Imperial Majesty’s divine covenant (UN charter) do we worship and praise. O HOLY VIRGIN MARIAM PRAY FOR US.

Father of Humanity

Haile Selassie Christmas Interview with Dr Oswald Hoffman Part 1

When His Imperial Majesty was asked by Dr. Hoffman, 'What is it that makes you want to follow Iyesus Krists Medhane Alem

answers are revised for our Ethiopian Messiah of today!

Iyesus Kristos will be spiritually reborn of the Virgin Mariam, from that time on, he will lead an exemplary diplomatic l.i.f.e. (living in full equality), a diplomatic l.i.f.e which human beings everywhere must emulate.

This diplomatic l.i.f.e  and the human rights faith that he will teach us, assures us of human rights salvation. Assures us also of harmony and good l.i.f.e. upon earth (193 member nation states) today in 2012.

Because of the exemplary character of the diplomatic l.i.f.e of Iyesus Kristos, it is necessary that all human beings, know their maximum, and therefore manifest, to see to it, that they approximate as much as they can, the good human rights example that will be set by HIM.

Its quite often, that, there is no perfection in humanity. From time to time we make mistakes we do commit things, but even as we do that, deep in our hearts as Christians, we know we have a chance of forgiveness from the Almighty (human rights law-giver)

He taught us, that all men are equal, regardless of sex, their national origin and tribe. And he also taught us all who seek HIM, shall find HIM. To live in this healthy l.i.f.e, a Christian l.i.f.e is what makes me follow Iyesus Kristos Medhane Alem today

Dr Hoffman: "Your Imperial Majesty, what advice would you give a person who is considering the claims of Christ (Kristos), perhaps for the first time?"

H.I.M : "I would tell a person who was considering the (divine - of or relating to Elect of God the Son) claim of Kristos for the first time that it is necessary to have (human rights) faith in the Almighty Law-giver of humankind, that it is necessary to have love (obedience to UN law of equality), and that it is necessary to conduct oneself in a manner that we have been taught to do in the Bible. I would advise him to read and to study the Bible.

I would also advise him to seek the secular (human rights) knowledge, for the more one knows the more he realises the need for a prime mover, the need for a Creator (Creditor), a Creator (Creditor) who is good, and the need for (human rights) salvation and also for peaceful (diplomatic) l.i.f.e. (living in full equality) upon earth (193 member nation states).

I would also tell him to learn and to think for himself the (diplomatic) ways he would serve the sovereign Lord. In this thought and in this undertaking of his, he will inevitably find the (diplomatic) way of serving his fellow men. For his (human rights) faith would then be manifested by His conduct. If tewahedo (oneness) Christians behave in this (diplomatic) way, if we dedicate ourselves to this fundamental task, then we will have a peaceful modern world of commerce (trade) and will be assured of not transgressing against the will (UN charter) and the (human rights) Commandments of our Elect of God the Father of Ethiopia - protectorate of human beings."

Political Unity is the Only way to AFFECT real diplomatic C.H.A.N.G.E - Choosing Humanity A New Global Economy, with Kristos - Christ (the Anointed One of Ethiopia),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,selah!

His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I, 
the sovereign Lion of Judah ( FULL DOCUMENTARY ): via @youtube

tenestellen (greetings) my human family,

I an I wanted to let you know about a new human rights petition I an I 
created on We the People, a  new feature on, and ask
for your international moral support.

Will you add your name next to mine for a Noble cause in seeking universal human rights liberation from global IMF debt? 

We the People allows anyone to create and sign petitions asking the Obama Administration to take political action on a range of issues.

If a petition gets enough human support, the Obama Administration will and MUST issue an official response.

You can view and sign the petition here:

Here's some more information about this petition:

Abolish the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, and resurrect American
Greenbacks for equal and fair, FREE international bartering!

We, the priceless an divine beings on this planet, are petitioning the
US president to discharge his duties faithfully under international human rights law, and resurrect Kennedy's existing executive order to Abolish
the 1913 Federal Reserve Act of yesteryears.

We find it compulsive to be working hard an paying taxes for worthless
an inflationary incentive - private capital owned by Jesuit (secret society
of Jesus) international bankers at the Vatican unholy see, therefore, we
advise you to commercially REPENT from IMF globalization policies,
and RENOUNCE constitutional bondage in global commerce (trade), so
that you may discharge,  dollar for dollar, the entire 74 trillion dollar
astronomical national debt owed to unlawful Jesuit creditors.

It is the appointed time to politically UNITE, and raise the standard of living globally!

Here is an evolutionary human rights blog for human rights faith in our
divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all...........

As America stand as a symbol of freedom and democracy around the globe, and an international watchdog for world peace over war, we must democratically advance towards global unification under international human rights law for all,,,selah!

Diplomatic Succession to the Imperial Throne of David in Ethiopia
Power (knowledge) of our Political Unity in global Commerce today, .

1 comment:

  1. a divine child of human rights faith have been born unto us (humanity), and a spiritually (intellectually) reborn divine Son of Elect of God the Father (Abba Atsie) have been given unto us (humanity); and the princely rule (zename mesfint) shall come to be upon him, as the defacto government service corporations falls upon his shoulders for human rights guidance, in a bankrupt modern world of commerce (trade) today

    The Fulfillment of the universal human rights Law

    17 “Do not think that I an I have come to abolish the universal human rights Law or the Prophets (Emperors of Ethiopia);

    I an I have not come to politically abolish them but to diplomatically fulfill them. 18 For truly I an I tell humanity today, until heaven (Ethiopia) and earth (193 bankrupt nation states) commercially disappear (insolvency), not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the universal human rights Law until everything is diplomatically accomplished.

    19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these universal human rights commands and teaches others accordingly, will be called least in the debt free UN Planetary kingdom of Equality in Righteousness of heaven (Ethiopia), but whoever practices and teaches these universal human rights commands will be called great in the Debt Free UN Planetary kingdom of Equality in Righteousness of heaven (Ethiopia).

    20 For I an I tell you that unless your righteousness (legal an lawful uprightness) surpasses that of the Pharisees (Jesuit priest) and the Jesuit teachers of the bankrupt constitutional commercial (contractual) law (polices), you will certainly not enter the Debt Free UN Planetary kingdom of Equality in Righteousness of heaven (Ethiopia),,,selah!
